Soft Professional Studio is a young and dynamic company
keeping up with the times. In our development we use new as well as time-proved technologies enabling to optimize process of software development and consequently work of final product. In such a way it increases speed of software development, its quality and data safety. As a result our customers get software as per agreed timeline in accordance with the fixed requirements and requests. Apart from it, we take into account technical
peculiarities of hardware during software development. Very often immoderate requirements of software to PC resources means purchase of new equipment and causes new expenses that’s why one of our targets is to find the golden mean between consumption of resources and requirements of our customer. Quality, keeping timeline and flexibility are our priorities!
Company SoftProStudio can offer development of the following software:
- Training software;
- Multimedia software (3D, games etc.);
- Software requiring difficult mathematical treatment (image identification, quality assessment etc.)
- Client/server applications;
- Software for data bases;
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